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Your Success Begins with Us

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Learning Experience Platforms(LXP)

A learning experience platform (LXP) provides a personalized, social, online learning experience for users, typically the employee’s at large enterprises. An LXP helps employees discover learning opportunities, offers ways to enhance them and manages all their learning.


Learners could submit a writing sample or upload results to a question. It can be a heavier workload for the instructor, but if they’re up for it, these types of assignments can be a great way to increase memory retention.

Learning Management System(LMS)

A learning management system is a software application or web-based technology that is used to do report, Plan, implement, track, document, and asses a specific learning process. A learning management system can also provide students with the ability to use interactive discussions, video conferencing, and discussion forums.




  • Organizes eLearning content in one location

  • Provides unlimited access to eLearning materials

  • Easily tracks learner progress and performance

  • Reduces Learning and Development costs

  • Reduces Learning and Development time

  • Keeps organizations up-to-date with compliance regulations

  • Quickly and conveniently expands eLearning courses

Integrates social learning experiences

Skills/Certification Tracking

Skills and certification tracking is one of the most important LMS features for nearly every kind of user. It’s nice to train your employees, but you’ll have no baseline for measuring performance and improvement if you aren’t tracking skills development and certifications — or at the very least, course completion. These features can increase government compliance by making your completed and pending certifications available via a single exportable spreadsheet. Tracking skills learned and certifications completed also gives you the power to report on employee progress, showing the immediate return on your efforts.



  • The LXP extends learning opportunities.

  • Employees are digital learners.

  • LXPs offer learners choices and control.

  • An LXP can encourage collaboration and social learning

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal:

It is the courage to continue that counts.”

Winston Churchill

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